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Naked or uninsulated pipes pose a risk to the structural integrity of your piping system. The potential for pipe corrosion and damage is significantly high. The industrial piping systems naturally carry corrosive products. When combined with stress, humidity, and excessive pressure, the pipes eventually weaken and give in.


The damage can be devastating. Every minute that your production unit is not functional, the company is bleeding money. The weakened and eroded parts can turn into ticking time bombs that may result in worksite injuries and completely ruined projects. Currently, corrosion costs the US economy approximately $300 billion every year, with the global figures standing at $2.2 trillion.


What Are Pipe Wear Pads?


Maintaining an industrial or commercial piping system involves an endless battle with a subtle, slowly-creeping enemy. Corrosion occurs gradually over the years, eventually eroding your metal pipes.


Again, high vibration levels can scratch off your protective coating, exposing the metal pipes to the elements. Condensation that occurs on the exposed metal leads to rusting, which corrodes and weakens the pipe.


Pipe pads are composite, fiber-reinforced polymers that are attached to a pipe. The liner padding insulates the pipes at support joints, acting as a cushion to isolate the metal piping. The isolator works as a buffer that protects against vibrations and corrosion to your pipes.


Here are the benefits of using wear pads


1. Reduce Pipe Abrasion


The constant movement of pipes rubbing against each other can gradually wear them down. As the naked pipe vibrates, it shifts and slides across the surface, leading to mechanical chipping and ruptures. Wear pads can reduce friction by eliminating metal-to-metal contact.

2. Helps Insulate Pipes


One of the major causes of pipe erosion is galvanic corrosion. The exchange of electrons between dissimilar metals can accelerate the destruction of your piping system. Composite pads insulate pipes, preventing them from touching against each other. The buffer helps to keep the surfaces from rusting by electrically isolating the piping from other metallic structures.


3. Prevent Moisture Buildup


Wear pads use a fiber-reinforced liner that has excellent resistance to condensation. It inhibits the formation of water droplets at your pipes’ joints that later cause corrosion. You can easily prevent moisture penetration by utilizing the composite padding.


4. Improve Energy Efficiency


Flowing through your piping system is an invisible, yet costly force; energy. Corrosion of your piping systems causes energy to seep out, resulting in wastage of money. Metal, as a good conductor, can be an easy gateway for energy to escape in the form of heat. That’s why you need to insulate pipes effectively to prevent energy loss. Wear pads do not absorb heat and can withstand extremely high temperatures.


5. Lengthen the Life of Your Pipes


Pipe wear pads can drastically cut down on abrasion, insulate pipes, and prevent condensation on your joints, which in the end increases the durability of your pipes. The corrosion protection system reduces the wear and tear on the underside of the metal piping, making your pipes last longer.


Controlling pipe movement and corrosion is at the heart of safeguarding your industrial piping. Wear pads insulate pipes, eliminating friction and galvanic corrosion at the points of support. For more information on how pipe pads can transform your commercial piping, feel free to contact Dynagard.

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